About LunaBugz

LunaBugz launched on April 19th 2022 at 4:20pm UTC / 9:20am Pacific time. The last bug was minted on April 21st at 6:37pm UTC / 11:37am Pacific time.


LunaBugz is a small stealth NFT art project by the Trash Clan and Finn buzzing around the Terra ecosystem.

This project is made possible by Hippie from LunaPunks, a bunch of dicks, interns, and TerraSpaces.

During the mint we have raised enough funds for two Ocean Web Alliance lionfish culling expeditions! Nice work bugz! Follow the OWA on Twitter here.

For more information, please check out our roadmap.

There is no whitelist, there is only the Telegram channel. Be here if you want to mint first.

LunaBugz Created by The Trash Clan & Finn